Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Submitting Your Resume - Get that interview!

Submitting Your Resume - What is the BEST way?

Oh, there are sooooooooo many ways to submit a resume for any job posting, but what's the purpose if you can't get someone's attention? Let's talk about the several ways someone can go about submitting a resume for a job posting and then what can you do to get noticed...and more importantly...interviewed!

1.) On Line submission - A necessary evil that companies use to allow your resume to go to the big black hole! Really, how many times have you been contacted about a job when this was the only method you used to submit your interest in the position. My best guess is this is less than 10% successful.

Oh, and what is success when submitting your resume? Simple, success is when you are called in for an interview or you are called on the phone to possibly interview...those are the only two types of success. Remember, your resume only gets you in the does NOT get you hired! (DUH!)

2.) Send through snail mail...well, at least the reader can see your creative side...if you have one. Your professionalism and creativity in your resume along with how you address the envelope, possibly include a cover letter, will show the Hiring Manager how you REALLY present yourself. A lot can be read into these things, and any little detail could knock you out of the possibility of an interview or get you in the door.

3.) Drop it off in person - Well, unless you plan to dress the part just to drop off a resume, don't bother. This would be an even bigger step than #2, and if done right, could be the clincher for a couple of reasons...first of all, if you dress the part, act professional and not too pushy, then give them something that is interesting to read (like your resume!) then you would be way ahead of the crowd, which leads to the second reason...nobody else is doing this...which immediately seperates you as an overachiever! (It's too much work for many)

4.) Phone Calls - Yikes!!! That seems so aggressive if you really don't know the hiring authority. Besides, chances are very high that there will be a gatekeeper that does their job very well, which is to ensure YOU don't get through to the Hiring Manager. Gatekeepers are a neccessary evil just as online submissions are, but if you are nice to them, treat them with respect, and call at the right times (I'll explain in a minute) then this could actually work to your advantage.

These are four of the best ways to submit yoru resume, and you never know which one will work best with whatever company, so my advice would be to try several methods - even with the same company. For example:

  • If you see a job on line that you think is a VERY SOLID match with your skills and compensation, then submit yoru resume on line if that's what they request.
  • The same day, send your resume hard copy with a cover letter that states this is simply a follow up to the resume submission and application on line as requested by the company
  • 7 days later, if you have not heard anything, call (first thing in the morning - before all hell breaks loose!) and say you are simply following up with your resume submission. When you get the chance, you will want to be prepared to mention the one or two best things you can do to bring talent to their company.
  • If you truly are a solid match, then after 7 MORE days, follow up in this point, what do you have to lose?

An old professor of mine once said, "Employers will hire the most persistent people around because they know those people will get the job done!"

What better way to show your persistence than what is outlined above?

Having a hard time discovering who you should contact about a job? - I can help!!! Go check out my website about resume services and read

Happy submissions! I'm here to help...allow me to help you get started on your next career move.

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